The Official site of Colorado USA Wrestling
The Western Suburban Wrestling League (WSWL) has been providing Local & Regional tournaments in the state of Colorado for over 30 years. In the past 30 years our tournaments have allowed wrestlers to hone there skills and develop into youth state & National champions. Youth Teams that compete every week in our tournaments are regularly in Track Wrestling's Top 25 teams in the country. Not only are our member clubs producing some of the best Varsity Teams in the state of Colorado, but they have been producing top NCAA, National and World Level talent.
Use this to pay for your wrestler, this is not a registration, this is for late payment of your wrestlers.
USA Wrestling has developed a new site to register, view brackets and track your wrestler throughout the tournaments. WSWL is moving toward that new system. This link is a How to Guide to Find, Tournaments, Register and use the new Bracket system during the event.
USAW Registration Link, click the link, scroll down to find the tournament you want.
Check out our tournament schedule by following the; flyer and other information will be updated as information comes available.
Payment link for club registration by coaches and team leaders.
If your interested in signing you team up for the league, reach out to, the process is simple, Pay the registration Fee, Make sure your team is USAW Member and then get us all your contact info.
If your wrestler has a USA Wrestling Card, they are welcome to come compete in our Sunday Tournaments through out the winter Season. See our 'Tournaments' Page to see our Schedule!
This includes all Metro & Peak 2 Peak Wrestling League members.
Colorado USA Wrestling is structured as a not-for-profit organization affiliated with USA Wrestling, the National Governing Body for the sport in the United States, which is a member organization of the U.S. Olympic Committee. It is overseen by a Board of Directors of volunteers, and has an extensive structure to develop and coordinate wrestling activities. There is a professional national staff which carries out the policies of USA Wrestling, based in Colorado Springs, Colo.